Welcome to Registration Guide

Welcome to our registration guide. We understand that the registration process can be complex, and we’re here to help you navigate it smoothly. Accuracy in filling out the registration form is of utmost importance for several reasons.

Firstly, any inaccuracies in the information provided could lead to errors on your issued card and certification documents. These errors could pose serious challenges when participating in competitions or during visa application processes. 

Steps to Registration Guide

1.Entering Your Name and Choosing a Username and Password

Start by entering your name exactly as it appears on your passport. This is crucial to ensure all your official documents match your legal name.

Next, choose a simple username and password for your account. Make sure to note these down and keep them safe. If you ever encounter any issues, you can log in to the website with your username and password and submit a ticket to our support team for assistance.

2.Entering Your Email and Selecting Your Style

In this step, you’ll need to enter your active email address. This is important as we’ll be sending updates about competitions and federation news to this email. Make sure it’s an email you check regularly to stay informed.

Next, select your style, whether it’s Pole or Aerial.

3.please upload your image

This step requires you to upload a formal 3×4 photo of yourself. This photo will be displayed on your membership card and your online certification document. Please ensure the photo is clear and your face is easily visible. 

examples of acceptable photos to guide you:

Please take photo face up forward with white background:

4.please upload your old membershipcard

If you already have a membership card, you have the option to upload it. Please ensure that the image of the card is scanned with a phone and is facing forward. This will help us verify your previous membership details more efficiently.

Pleaase upload the membership card like thes:
